Tuesday, 18 February 2014

PFsense Package For Bandwidth Monitoring - Ntop Installation Guide

 Ntop Installation Guide:

As far as my experience is concerned. I have been using ntop for over an year now. It works really fine with reasonable statistics. Installation Guide.

1- Open Pfsense Web Interface
2-Navigate to System Tab
3-Select Packages
4-Click Available Packages
5-Search ntop
6-Click Install

And you're done.

Monday, 13 May 2013

Question and Answer

PFsense Questions and Answers.

1-    How do you setup Ntop On pfsense? I try setting it up but everytime I go to http://xxx.x.x.xx:3000/ I get "The connection has timed out" ?

Ans:   You can setup in a very easy way.Print screen given below.
Go to diagnostic tab and select ntop setting option then you can see an other page. That page is given below.
Add here ntop password and retype same password and select interface then save changes.
Then u can access ntop from second tab "Access ntop" then u can see given below page.

Note: After setup ntop password you can access ntop from Diagnostic tab and ntop option.


2-  How to remove local host from pfsense that resolve domain as a local DNS ? 

Ans:  In a pfsense local host work as a local DNS if u want that local serve ip not work as a local DNS then  
 save some changes like as


3- How to Change web Login interface password ?
Ans: It is very easy to Change the web login password.we need to go User Manager option under System Tab.here we can add password.print screen attach here


Friday, 4 January 2013

Bandwidth Usage Probe

How we monitor bandwidth usage in pfsense?
There are several methods for monitoring bandwidth usage, with different levels of granularity.
•             1 pftop
•             2 trafshow
•             3 Built-in Graphs
•             4 BandwidthD
•             5 Darkstat
•             6 NTOP
•             7 Monitoring on Multiple Interfaces
•             8 Netflow
•             9 vnstat
Now we discuss here about ntop.
ntop is a network probe that shows network usage in a way similar to what top does for processes.ntop is based on libpcap  and it has been written in a portable way in order to virtually run on every Unix platform. If you need even more detail than that, you might need the ntop  package,(Ntop Package:
What is ntop? Ntop is a network probe that shows network usage in a way similar to what top does for processes. In interactive mode, it displays the network status on the user’s terminal. In web mode it act as a web proxy server, creating an HTML dump of the network
Ntop is a most important tool.
Go to the diagnose tab and select ntop
When we type LAN IP address of PFSense on browser it is necessary to add colon and 3000 port number for opening the ntop. Like as
This address automatically redirect on this URL.

which can also be found under System > Packages. It can break down detail by IP, protocol, and so on. Once installed, it appears under Diagnostics > ntop. It will even track where connections were made by local PCs, and how much bandwidth was used on individual connections.

Ntop do something special for every ntop user. that given below.
•             Sort network traffic according to many protocols
•             Show network traffic sorted according to various criteria
•             Display traffic statistics
•             Store on disk persistent traffic statistics in RRD format
•             Identify the indentity (e.g. email address) of computer users
•             Passively (i.e. without sending probe packets) identify the host OS
•             Show IP traffic distribution among the various protocols
•             Analyse IP traffic and sort it according to the source/destination
•             Display IP Traffic Subnet matrix (who’s talking to who?)
•             Report IP protocol usage sorted by protocol type
•             Act as a NetFlow /sFlow collector for flows generated by routers (e.g. Cisco and Juniper) or switches (e.g. Foundry Networks)
•             Produce RMON-like network traffic statistics

Monday, 24 December 2012

Proxy Servers

Proxy  Server & Proxy Filter Configuration:
Now we discuss here about the configuration of Proxy Server and Proxy Filter (Squid and Squid Guard). First of we discuss here what is “Squid”.

This is a high performance web cache proxy server.
Now we come to the Configuration.
Go to the services tab and select Proxy Server.

Access Control:      
Note: In access control section we can add two or more different networks. In this case proxy server allow internet access of both networks and both communicate to each other. Like as

Squid Guard:
This is a high performance web cache proxy server
Note: Squid installation is most important before the installation of SquidGuard. Now we go to next step Configuration.

If we need more feature like as “IP Blocking” “MAC Blocking” “Domain Filtering” “Timing schedule” “2 Different Network Communication” etc. Configuration
 add one Timing Schedule by hitting on + plus sign.
Name:                             Weekly Timing Schedule
Description:                  Weekly Timing Schedule Listed here
                                        Save Settings

Next go to the Target Categories Tab in Proxy Filter. Add one Target Categore by hitting on + plus sign.
Name:                            Domain_List
Domain List:                 facebook.com youtube.com twitter.com
Note: Every domain separated by a single space.
Save Settings

Next go to the ACL_Group tab in Proxy Filter. Add one ACL _Group by hitting on + plus sign.
Name:                           ACL_Group
Client (Source):
Timing:                        Weekly Timing Schedule

Target Rule:                Hit on play sign      stay on Target categories     Select timing rule and Deny
Save Settings

Next go to the Common ACL Tab in Proxy Filter. Add one Common ACL by hitting on + plus sign.
Target Rule:                           Access denied

Save Settings

Next go to the General Setting Tab in Proxy Filter. Add one General Setting  by hitting on + plus sign.
Enable:                           Add check sign
Apply Settings

Thursday, 13 December 2012

ARP Table & Block Internet Access

ARP Table:

How find Mac IDs, Machine Name or Host Name, IP address and machine interface.
GO to Diagnostic tab and select ARP table option .ARP Table print screen given below.
ARP table helpful  for IP reservation, Mac blocking, IP blocking and many more.

How block IP address:

PFsense is a free BSD and Firewall router .Through this firewall router we block IP addresses that listed in dhcp list or network list.
There are two methods in which we restrict the internet access of clients or users.

First Method:
Go to Firewall tab and select Rule option. Add rule on lan interface .Select action as a “Block” Condition On interface Select “LAN” and then on protocol portion add “any” or “TCP/UDP” then go to Source section and select type as “Single host or Alias” and type on down line that IP address on which you want to block internet access .print screen given below.

Note*** First mach role will work so when we need to block any user we need to put rule at the top of the default rule in firewall section.
Action:                            Block
Interface:                       LAN
Protocol:                        Any
Type:                              ingle host or Alias


Second Method:
In second method it is important that proxy server already installed. Like Squid and squid guard.
Go to the services tab and point out to the Proxy server. In a proxy server we use Access control tab. In access tab we have an option with the name of “Band Host addresses” where we add that IP addresses we need to restrict internet access and then save.

Note: Each IP address written to the next line by pressing the Space button. Like as
Band Host Address:                          

Monday, 10 December 2012

417 Error in Squid

417 Error in Squid:

How to fix 417 error in squid.
Changes in 3.1 ignore_expect_100
Ported from 2.7. Requires --enable-http-violations Prevents 417 errors being sent to broken HTTP/1.1 non-compliant clients.
Changes in 2.7 ignore_expect_100
Experimental HTTP/1.1 support knobs
Configuration Details:
Option Name:
Default Value:
ignore_expect_100 off
                                                        ignore_expect_100 on
Add this highlighted text into proxy server. Go to “services” tab and select proxy server and then select General tab. Add selected text into custom option and then save. Print screen given below.

Select LAN interface as proxy interface.Add check sign on "Allow users on interface" and "Transparent proxy".You can see below Custom option. In custom option exception added.now uploading traffic bypass the proxy server. Then save setting.If you face more that  type of problem add exceptions in custom options.

PFSense Solutions